C Salt

C Salt

Using recipes to combat food insecurity, Eva created a cookbook of community members' favorite recipes and proceeds from the sale of that book funded a local organization helping people experiencing food uncertainty.


Background Information

Eva Sanko lives in Miami, a city known for having such a rich a diverse population. With such rich culture Miami has also become a city world-renowned for its food, yet in a place where food is so vital to what makes it what it is there are over seven hundred thousand people in her community who don’t know where they are going to get their next meal. In the past few years, Eva has fallen in love with the culinary world. Cooking, baking, decorating, you name it… Eva just couldn’t stop. Food may not be important to you in the same way it is important to Eva, but regardless it is something each and every person needs and needs enough of. To help those in need, her project aimed to raise as much money for the organization feeding south Florida as possible.

Implementation of Project

By gathering recipes from family, friends, and anybody who wanted to contribute, Eva developed a cookbook containing a number of different delicious recipes. Then, using the proceeds collected from book sales, she worked to address food insecurity, donating to an organization that has fed hundreds of thousands in South Florida. Through the organization Feeding South Florida every dollar donated can provide 9 meals to someone in need. Eva’s project has raised awareness for recipes in the local community and raised over $2,000 for the Feed South Florida organization.

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