After overcoming her own struggle with an eating disorder, Ellery recognized the need for opportunities for community through shared experience for people affected by eating disorders outside of the treatment setting. From her personal recovery process and time in treatment, Ellery had experienced and witnessed the value of creative expression for personal processing and interpersonal communication. From her identification of the need for more positive community spaces and her passion for creativity, Ellery was inspired to create The Luna Project, a collaboration to showcase creative work submissions exploring the eating disorder and recovery experience across online/digital platforms and live events to create a positive, recovery focused sense of community for people affected by eating disorders.
The Luna Project was brought to fruition with submissions from a motivated group of creators who had been part of Ellery’s recovery journey. Immediately after returning to Alzar, Ellery began reaching out to everyone she had met throughout her process to schedule phone calls. After pitching her project idea to dozens, interest was high, but after communication following initial phone calls, Ellery finalized a smaller list of five individuals who were able to commit to completing a project during the school year. As these initial projects were trickling in, she designed her website and monthly digital newsletter where the projects were to be showcased. After a few months of collaboration with project contributors and experimentation with web design and write-ups, the Luna Project website was stocked with projects and ready to launch.
Now, the Luna Project is a functioning website ( for project viewing and registration. Ellery is functioning as the project’s editor. She is spreading the word about the project, accepting submissions and continually growing the project’s spaces as submission volume and following grows.
As of June 2022, Ellery is a rising Senior at Cascades Academy in Bend, Oregon. She is excited to continue operating the Luna Project for the foreseeable future. Outside of her project, Ellery will be exploring her interest in Journalism at one of Bend’s local newspapers and then building a student newspaper at her school. She’ll also be assisting with writing classes for lower school students. In general, Ellery’s is motivated to lead efforts that facilitate the sharing of perspective and support expression.