What is the Alzar School?

Alzar School | 17.09.15

I get asked this simple (not so simple) question multiple times a week. It is a natural follow-up question to the “Where do you work?” question that is so prevalent in our culture. And every time I try to answer, I find myself stuttering, spluttering, racking my brain for a better way to put words to the very thing that I spend my days doing. The fact of the matter, is that the Alzar School is no one thing.  It is a school, a community, a support system, a haven. It is an adventure, a challenge, a reward, and a mystery – even to the people who know it most intimately. It is a place where connections form, growth is fostered, and new experiences are infinite. It is a place where education is not always synonymous with a four-walled classroom, and a place where time spent in the wilderness is valued.

And still, it is more. It is an experience – a way of living. And the people who can best explain what the Alzar School is, are the people who are living it. Who make it what it is: a place where I am proud to work.

In Leadership Class, students were tasked to video their “Elevator Pitch”, to explain the Alzar School, and these four current students captured it beautifully.



