

Leadership Education

The common thread to the semester is leadership development. Every aspect of the student experience—from the daily structure, to the Capstone Leadership Course (an academic course all students take), to…

BeSo Peaceful

Dezaráy Lowery, of San Francisco, CA, noticed violence and people in her community becoming incarcerated. She wanted to see if there was some way for her to spread love and

Rolling Away in Mobile Bay

On September 6, 2014, Lily Fontenot hosted Rolling Away in Mobile Bay. The purpose of the project was to encourage middle school students to participate in the outdoors by teaching…

Lovett Healthy Lifestyle Club

Atlanta, Georgia is a diverse city with more opportunities than you can even imagine. The community that Lily lives in, is filled with ways to live a healthy lifestyle, but…

Storm the Norm

When Kelsey was little, she was under the impression that she would never be as good at sports as boys were. But when she first picked up a lacrosse stick…